Illinois Public Health Community Map
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Illinois Public Health Community Map

About the Illinois Public Health Community Map
The purpose of this Web site is to make information about the quality of health in Illinois communities available to the public, and highlight socioeconomic and racial/ethnic disparities that may exist. It also examines the issue of access to health care. The Illinois Department of Public Health promotes the use of open data as a platform for ideas, advocacy, planning and policy.
Explore the Map for data about:
- Asthma
- Behavioral Health
- Diabetes
- Emergency Department Use
- Injury
- Maternal and Child Health
- Oral Health
- Preventable Hospitalizations
- Readmissions
- Social/Environmental Factors
- Opioid & Heroin
All Opioid/Heroin data can be accessed via the IDPH Opioid Data Dashboard.
How to Use the Map
Search by Region and County
Use the search at the top of the map to search for a region or county. You can also click on a region or county on the map to view data for that area.
Cook County: use the smaller map to the left of the main map in order to zoom to Cook's sub-regions/zip codes:
- Click on the NorthEastern region
- Click on the magnifying glass icon or Cook County to view sub-regions/zip code data
Export Data
Data from the Illinois Public Health Community Map are available for download. Look for the Export Data button as you explore measures on the Map. Acknowledgement of the Illinois Department of Public Health as the source is appreciated. However, any materials you develop should not give the impression of agency endorsement.
Export DataData Sources
Administrative Data
The information on preventable hospitalizations and emergency room visits is derived from Illinois Department of Public Health's (IDPH) Hospital Discharge Data Set. The IDPH Hospital Discharge Data Set includes many elements such as procedure codes, diagnosis codes, facility charges and patient demographic information for each inpatient hospital stay and emergency room visit. This data is collected on a quarterly processing schedule from Illinois acute care hospitals and ambulatory surgical treatment centers (ASTCs) to meet the requirements of the Illinois Health Finance Reform Act (Public Act 83-1243 originally signed into law in 1984 and last amended by Public Act 94-27 in 2005). Industry standard edits for content and context (see the CMS Medicare Code Edits for details) are applied to each data element when appropriate. The data are checked for duplicates and completeness prior to storage in the Department's databases. After each submission, the submitting facility is given access to statistical reports showing individual cases in error and a summary of clean data accepted by the Department to that point in time.
ICD-10 is the International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision, Clinical Modification, which assigns numeric codes to diagnoses and procedures received during hospital and emergency room visits. The system is maintained by the World Health Organization and the U.S. National Center for Health Statistics and updated periodically. There are about 12,000 ICD-10 diagnosis codes.
The unit of analysis is the hospital discharge (i.e., the hospital stay), not a person or patient. This means that a person who is admitted to the hospital multiple times in one year will be counted each time as a separate "discharge" from the hospital.
Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System Data
The Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) is a state-based program that gathers information on risk factors among Illinois adults 18 years of age and older through monthly telephone surveys. Established in 1984 as a collaboration between the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and state health departments, the BRFSS has grown to be the primary source of information on health risk behaviors and conditions related to the leading causes of death for adults in the general population.
The Illinois County Behavioral Risk Factor Surveys (ICBRFS) are conducted for individual counties employing the same procedures and questions as the BRFSS. A random digit dial telephone survey is used to conduct telephone interviews using specific questionnaires. Data obtained from the BRFSS are representative of the non-institutionalized population over 18 years of age. All data from the BRFSS are weighted by population.
For more information about the BRFSS program at CDC, visit that agency's website at More information specific to the Illinois BRFSS, is available at